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Operation Christmas Child


step 1

get a shoebox

Find a shoebox, a small plastic tote, or a free cardboard one from Church,  to hold all of your child's goodies!

step 2

pack your box

Pack your shoebox with toys, balls, socks, school supplies, hygiene items, and other fun things to send to a child in need. Want packing ideas and what NOT to pack? Click HERE 

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step 3

$9 shipping

Pay ONLINE to ship your box for only $9 and find out what country it lands in! Click HERE

step 4

bring your shoebox Nov. 21

Bring your stuffed, paid-for shoeboxes on Sunday November 21st to Movement Church.

This year we are a drop off station so you can also drop off 

Nov. 15-Nov. 22 between 9a-11a. 

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